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Preventative Medicine


On a daily basis, we live most days according to our own schedule and life choices. It is only when we are involved in an accident or become ill that we seek medical attention. However, preventative medicine is a specialty that is recognized by the ABMS (American Board of Medical Specialists). The goal of this specialized medicine is to prevent disease and promote total well-being.

For the most part, health care is a responsive action to treat a diagnosed disease and/or illness. However, what if you could avoid certain illness? This is the basis of preventative medicine. Many areas of medicine focuses on one particular body part such as a cardiologist (heart doctor), ophthalmologist (eye doctor), or podiatrist (foot doctor); but preventative medicine is not limited by these types of boundaries.

Preventative medical care doctors work very closely with patients who could benefit from lifestyle changes. These doctors may offer counseling for unhealthy life choices and habits; provide preventative health screenings; and administer immunizations.


Importance of preventative medicine

Heart disease and diabetes account for 7 out of 10 deaths. This is why healthy habits and regular health screening are essential. Eating healthy, exercising, and not smoking helps individuals to stay healthy, minimize the effects of disease, or avoid certain diseases altogether.

Another great benefit of practicing preventive medicine is low medical costs. At least 75% of total yearly costs go towards preventable illness.

Final Word

A doctor who has resources on hand and a compassionate spirt are great preventative medicine physicians. However, motivation of the individual is one of the main keys to successful preventative medicine.

Don’t wait until you feel sick, give our office a call today because prevention is better than a cure.


Dr. Sean P. Nikravan, MD, FACE
355 Placencia Ave, Suite 203
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Phone: 949-264-0580
Fax: 949-650-0600

Office Hours

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