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Thyroid Nodule Biopsy

Dr. Sean P. Nikravan, MD, FACE

Endocrinologists located in Newport Beach, CA

Thyroid nodules are common, and most are noncancerous. If you have thyroid nodules, you need a thyroid nodule biopsy to confirm your growth is noncancerous. In Newport Beach, California, Dr. Sean P. Nikravan, MD, FACE, and the team have a state-of-the-art endocrinology practice and can perform an in-office thyroid nodule biopsy using ultrasound-guided imaging. To schedule a consultation, call the office or book one online today.

Thyroid Nodule Biopsy

What is a thyroid nodule?

A thyroid nodule is a lump of thyroid cells that grow in the thyroid gland. Thyroid nodules are common, and most are noncancerous. 

However, to be sure your thyroid nodule is noncancerous, you need to undergo a thyroid nodule biopsy. Dr. Sean P. Nikravan, MD, FACE, performs this procedure at the office using ultrasound-guided imaging.

You may need regular monitoring of thyroid nodules to keep track of their growth, which may include a routine thyroid nodule biopsy to make sure the growth remains noncancerous.  

What is a thyroid nodule biopsy?

A thyroid nodule biopsy is a procedure that removes a small sample of tissue from your thyroid gland nodule. The office of Dr. Sean P. Nikravan, MD, FACE, sends the sample to a lab for analysis.

The purpose of the thyroid nodule biopsy is to check for thyroid cancer — about 95% of thyroid nodules are noncancerous. 

What happens during a thyroid nodule biopsy?

Dr. Sean P. Nikravan, MD, FACE, performs your thyroid nodule biopsy at the office after cleansing the skin on your neck with an antiseptic agent and administering a local anesthetic to limit discomfort during the procedure.

Using ultrasound-guided imaging, a very thin needle goes through the skin in your neck and into your thyroid nodule. The needle extracts a sample of tissue before being removed from your neck.

You may have several tissue samples taken of your thyroid nodule, using a new needle for each sample. 

A thyroid nodule biopsy takes 30 minutes or less. 

What can I expect after a thyroid nodule biopsy?

You may have to remain at the office for a short period following your thyroid nodule biopsy to monitor for side effects. 

However, because the procedure only uses a local anesthetic, you should be able to resume most of your usual activities afterward. And, you can even drive yourself home.

It may take up to two weeks to get the results from your thyroid nodule biopsy. The endocrinology office contacts you as soon as they’re available and discusses the next steps. 

To learn more about thyroid nodule biopsies with Dr. Sean P. Nikravan, MD, FACE, call the office or book a consultation online today.