I'm Nervous About My Thyroid Nodule Biopsy: What Can I Expect?

We’ve scheduled you for a thyroid nodule biopsy, and you have some concerns about the upcoming procedure. That’s perfectly normal — this is new territory for many of our patients.
To put your mind at ease, board-certified endocrinologist Dr. Sean P. Nikravan and our team are using this month’s blog to describe why we perform thyroid nodule biopsies and what happens during this quick and easy procedure.
About thyroid nodules
The fact that you have a thyroid nodule isn’t necessarily cause for concern — about half of Americans will have one of these growths by the time they reach age 60. Better still, about 90% of identified nodules are what one recent report described as, “Clinically insignificant benign lesions.”
Still, in 4%-6.5% of cases of thyroid nodules, the growths are tied to thyroid cancer, which is diagnosed in about 44,000 Americans each year. But the survival rate for thyroid cancer is very high, and this is in large part owed to our ability to identify and treat the cancer in its early stages, which is where your thyroid nodule biopsy comes in.
What we accomplish with a thyroid nodule biopsy
It’s impossible for us to determine whether your thyroid nodule is potentially cancerous unless we study the tissues directly. During a thyroid nodule biopsy, we extract a small sample of tissue from inside and around the nodule. We then have this tissue examined in a lab, which checks for signs of cancerous or abnormal cells.
Undergoing your thyroid nodule biopsy
The good news is that not only is a thyroid biopsy quick and easy, but we perform the procedure on an outpatient basis right here in our office.
There’s nothing you need to do to prepare ahead of time, but be sure to let Dr. Nikravan know about any medications you’re taking, as he may want you to pause certain drugs if there’s a contraindication with the anesthetic or with the procedure.
When you come in, first we get you settled in the treatment room and then we administer a local anesthetic for your comfort.
Then, using ultrasound technology to guide him, Dr. Nikravan inserts a needle into your thyroid nodule to aspirate a tissue sample. Once he collects what he needs, he removes the needle, swabs the insertion site, and places a small bandage over it. From there, you’re free to go and get back to your day.
For a more detailed and visual look at a thyroid nodule biopsy, check out this video. You can view the procedure via my Instagram account.
After your thyroid nodule biopsy
You may feel some soreness at the site of the needle insertion, but this side effect is generally short-lived. You can take over-the-counter medications and use an ice pack to relieve the discomfort.
As for results from your biopsy, it may take a few days up to a few weeks depending upon how busy the lab is. Rest assured, as soon as we have that information, we’ll contact you.
If you have any more questions or concerns about your thyroid nodule biopsy, please feel free to contact Dr. Nikravan at our office in Newport Beach, California, today.
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